The game SpellTome revolves around a self centered and egoistic wanabe wizard. The game follows their progress of
achieving wizardhood and struggles to get the ability to learn spells in a seemingly unconventional way.
It is mainly made for PC. The genre of the game is Adventure Platformer - RPG. It takes some examples from player favorite games in the genre while adding a unique take on the art style and naration.
The game feel is comical and lighthearted with deeper psychological themes, the art choice is cartoonish with some darker elements that follow the overall direction of the game.
The gameplay itself is influenced by gravity and real time combat that requires quick reflexes and strategic positioning to overcome the many obstacles and enemies.
Through the adventures of our little wizard (don't tell them we said that) you will be able to see and experience varying locations, interesting puzzles, deadly traps and unique enemies all of which will either prove a hard challenge or a trifling stepping stone to greater heights.